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Current Research Projects

In the current era of extended lifespans, it has become imperative to address aging-related health issues that can negatively impact the quality of life. Our research group is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries surrounding aging and finding ways to promote healthy aging. 

To accomplish our objectives, we leverage cutting-edge techniques, including 3D organoid cultures and models such as long-lived and cancer-resistant blind mole rats, and short-lived progeroid iPSCs. These advanced models allow us to gain deeper insights into the aging process and develop strategies to delay or prevent age-related pathologies. Our ultimate goal is to provide individuals with the opportunity to lead fulfilling and healthy lives throughout their aging journey.


Inci N, ... , Bozaykut P. Frontiers in Aging

Cellular Senescence and Senotherapeutic Drugs


Tyshkovskiy A, Bozaykut P, ..., Gladyshev VN. Cell Metabolism.

Cellular senescence has recently emerged as a fundamental mechanism in the development of aging-related diseases and although discovered very recently, senotherapeutic drugs that target cellular senescence have been already involved in clinical studies Currently, we are seeking for novel treatment interventions targeting vascular senescence in short-lived progeroid human models.

Blind mole-rat: A model for Aging & Cancer and Hypoxia Resistance


The aging of populations worldwide is leading to an unprecedented increase in cancer cases and fatalities. For our research, we utilize blind mole rat (BMR) which is considered an excellent model for aging and, additionally, for cancer research, due to not showing apparent age-related phenotypic changes and not developing spontaneous tumors, despite its relatively long lifespan. 

BMRs also show superior hypoxia resistance. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms of extreme hypoxia-tolerant vertebrates is essential to enable the development of novel treatment interventions.

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